What Do You Need To Know About Residential Mold Testing?
Whether you rent or own your home, you should expect it to be a safe, healthy place for you and your family. Unfortunately, mold can be hazardous to your health. Mold isn't always visible to the naked eye. Even mold spores can be problematic when located in your house or apartment. Luckily, residential mold testing can help you identify mold infestations. Here are four things that you should know about residential mold testing:
1. It is vital for your health.
Mold can make you sick. Some varieties are toxic to humans and animals, but even the nontoxic varieties of mold can trigger allergies in people susceptible to them. If you've found yourself sneezing, coughing, or having difficulty breathing for no apparent reason, mold may be to blame. Residential mold testing will give you the peace of mind you need. If mold is found in your home, a mold remediation team can help you eradicate it.
2. It is the next step when confronting a suspected mold infestation.
People suspect mold infestations for a number of reasons. You may notice a distinctive moldy smell, especially in dark, damp places in your home. You might notice dark mold beneath your kitchen sink or in your bathroom. When you find mold in one part of your home, it's wise to have your entire home tested for the presence of mold, since mold easily spreads through spores. A residential mold test is the next logical step when you believe there may be a mold infestation in your house.
3. It will test the air as well as common surfaces.
Residential mold testing is very thorough. When you contact a mold remediation company, a professional will take samples from various locations in your house. They will test common surfaces for mold, such as your bathroom walls. They will also test less common surfaces, such as your bedroom walls. Your mold remediation expert will also sample the air in various rooms of your home. The presence of a high number of mold spores in the air can be a cause for concern.
4. It can be completed quickly.
Residential mold testing can be completed quickly. After a mold remediation professional collects samples, they will send them to a lab that will grow cultures from the samples. In many cases, you can learn the results of your mold test within a few days. This fast turnaround will allow you to address a mold infestation quickly.