Remove Plaster From Nylon Carpeting
If wet plaster spilled onto a portion of the nylon carpeting in your home's dining room while you were replastering a portion of one of the walls, remove it with the following steps. After you have eliminated all traces of the plaster, clean the carpeting with standard products to freshen the scent of the floor covering.
- absorbent towel
- putty knife
- metal scraper
- white vinegar
- mild dish detergent
- warm water
- bucket
- mixing stick
- cleaning cloths
- scrub brush
- carpet cleaner
- carpet powder
- handheld brush
Eliminate As Much Plaster As Possible And Soften Areas That Have Hardened
Press an absorbent towel directly against wet plaster to lift it from the carpeting. If the plaster has already hardened in some areas, use the edge of a putty knife or metal scraper to lift the edges of each spot. Do not tug on any of the carpet's fibers if the plaster won't come right off because it could cause some of them to fray or come loose.
Once you have eliminated as much plaster as you could, fill a bucket with warm water. Add a few drops of mild detergent and white vinegar to it. Dip a cloth into the mixture and drape the cloth over the dry plaster that remains on the floor. Wait several minutes for the mixture to soften the hardened plaster.
Remove The Rest Of The Plaster And Clean The Carpet
Use a scrub brush to loosen and remove the softened plaster from the nylon fibers. If any of the plaster begins to stiffen again, add more of the cleaning mixture to it so that it remains moist. Once all traces of the plaster have been eliminated, apply carpet cleaner to the area of the nylon carpeting that was previously stained. Work the cleaner into the fibers with a clean scrub brush. Afterwards, wait for the carpet's fibers to air dry or speed up the drying process by aiming a portable heater at the wet part of the carpet.
Sprinkle some carpet powder that is designed to neutralize foul odors onto the carpeting. Use a vacuum cleaner that has a hose attachment to remove the powder and any other fine particles that remain on the floor covering. Fluff up flattened nylon fibers by brushing them with a handheld brush. Move the brush with the direction of the carpet's pile. Once finished, the carpet will have a uniform appearance and will emit a fresh scent.