hiring cleaning services to keep your home freshhiring cleaning services to keep your home fresh

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hiring cleaning services to keep your home fresh

Keeping up with the everyday cleaning of your home can be time consuming in itself. But, when it comes to getting to the deep cleaning, like carpet and upholstery scrubbing, it can be downright impossible to get to it. Whether your schedule is restricted due to career responsibilities or because you have kids that keep you hopping, hiring a company to take care of these deep cleaning tasks can be well worth the expense. This blog will give you some tips on keeping your home looking and smelling great even when you are on a very limited schedule each day of the week.

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Your House May Look Clean, But Overlooking These Areas May Make It Disgusting To Others

Do you feel as though your house is reasonably clean? Perhaps you have a house cleaning routine that you complete daily or weekly. Unfortunately, living in a home may mean that you do not notice the same dust, grime or dirt that others who visit may spot immediately. If you have never performed a deep cleaning or do not know how, you likely have an area of your home that is not sanitary. The following identifies critical areas where bacteria and dirt may be overlooked and thriving.


The vents that distribute heat and air throughout your home may have dust accumulating on them. If the dust has not hardened, vacuum the vents to remove dust. Hardened dust may need to be removed using soap and water. You can remove the screws from the sides of vents and wash the vents in the soapy mixture using a brush and cleaning cloth. Dry them thoroughly prior to replacing them. 

Walls, Baseboards, and Windowsills

Walls and baseboards may harbor stains from spills and splatters. Dust and dirt may also accumulate around baseboards and windowsills. It is also possible that windowsills have remnants from nature on them if you let your windows up sometimes. For example, pollen residue or dead bugs may be on your windowsills. All of these areas can be cleaned using soap and water. There are also specialty cleaning sponges that can remove this type of grime if it is hardened.


Dirty doorknobs may harbor grease and grime from dirty hands, which both can cause bacteria or even mold growth. Routinely wipe doorknobs using soap and water even if they do not have obvious signs of grime. This is something that can minimize the presence of bacteria and viruses. Alternatively, you can wash the knobs weekly and spray them daily with a disinfectant to keep germs at bay. 

Light Fixtures

If you have not removed your light fixtures in a while, you might be surprised at what you find. Dead bugs are common in light fixtures. Imagine someone peering up at your light fixtures and noticing an accumulation of dead bugs. Dump the bugs out of light fixtures and clean the fixtures with soap and water. Also, chandeliers harbor dust and should be routinely cleaned with cleaners that are appropriate for the materials the chandelier is made of. 

A house cleaning service is the best resource to use for your cleaning needs. They can perform regular cleanings for you to keep your home clean and orderly if you have a busy lifestyle and sometimes get behind on household duties.