hiring cleaning services to keep your home freshhiring cleaning services to keep your home fresh

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hiring cleaning services to keep your home fresh

Keeping up with the everyday cleaning of your home can be time consuming in itself. But, when it comes to getting to the deep cleaning, like carpet and upholstery scrubbing, it can be downright impossible to get to it. Whether your schedule is restricted due to career responsibilities or because you have kids that keep you hopping, hiring a company to take care of these deep cleaning tasks can be well worth the expense. This blog will give you some tips on keeping your home looking and smelling great even when you are on a very limited schedule each day of the week.

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How To Troubleshoot A Lack Of Suction In Your Vacuum

If you have a vacuum cleaner, you expect it to be able to pick up all of the crumbs and dust that you might have on the ground. If it doesn't perform this relatively basic task, then there is no real point in using it. Here are some tips for making sure that you are able to use your vacuum cleaner and can troubleshoot its lack of suction.

1. Check the Air Filter

The first thing that you need to check is the air filter of your vacuum. You want to check the filter because if it is clogged, particles will be blocked before they are even sucked up into the vacuum, causing them to fall back to earth and look as though they were not ever sucked up or preventing the suction from reaching them in the first place. In order to make sure that the filter is not the cause of your issues, try replacing it with a new vacuum filter. Because there is nothing blocking the air filter at all, you can make certain that obstacles between the filter and the crumbs on the ground are not the reason why your vacuum doesn't have suction.

2. Check the Exhaust Filter

The next area that you will need to check is the exhaust filter, or the filter that traps the particles in the air as they travel through the vacuum itself. If there is any major blockage within the vacuum cleaner, it could stop the suction from reaching the particles that are on the ground render your vacuum cleaner less than effective. By looking at the exhaust filter to be certain that it is not totally blocked and replacing it if it appears to be more than half blocked, you can rule out the exhaust filter causing your lack of suction.

3. Check the Vacuum Bag

In many vacuum cleaners, if the vacuum bag is full, the vacuum's suction will not function correctly. If your vacuum bag is more than three quarters of the way full, empty it and try again.

4. Check the Blower Wheel

Finally, locate the blower wheel that is generating the suction and make sure that you can turn it with your hand. If you can turn it easily and it is not blocked in any way, then it is not the fault of the blower wheel that your vacuum has no suction. If you've tried all of the above areas and they all check out fine, you might need to get the blower motor replaced.

If none of the above tips were able to help you, take your vacuum to a vacuum repair shop (like Everett Vacuum LLC) in order to have the blower motor replaced.